There will be 6 Area Meetings during 2024. They will follow a similar pattern to previous years.
The January meeting was hosted by Sheffield Nether Edge Meeting on Sunday 14th January from 13.15 to 15.45.
After a shared vegetarian lunch, we considered membership matters, and received reports from a number of national meetings. We considered a proposal to move towards a single charitable body for all Quakers in Yorkshire. This would replace the 7 AM charitable trusts which currently oversee matters such as finance, employment, property and legal compliance across the region.
On Sunday 10th March, from 11.00 to 4.00 we met both face-to-face and on Zoom at Sheffield Quaker Meeting House.
We welcomed 3 members of staff of Britain Yearly Meeting - Edwina Peart, Lyndsay Burtonshaw and Bridget Holtom. They helped us discern how we can respond to the commitment Quakers made at Yearly Meeting 2022 to make practical reparations for the transatlantic slave trade, colonialism and economic exploitation. It was a stimulating and thought provoking day as we considered what love and justice require of us. Useful reading.
We also dealt with some of our usual AM business.
May Sunday 12th afternoon, Balby Doncaster
On Saturday 13th July (10.30 to 12.30) we met at Sheffield Central.
In spite of a fairly long agenda, we got through it quickly and happily, allowing more time to enjoy lunch together. Our agenda included an update on Sheffield Central Meeting’s lettings, a Report from Meeting for Sufferings, information about ongoing work on racial justice, and several other reports. We heard that one Quaker wedding was held in Sheffield MH in June and another is to be held in September. We agreed that draft minutes, circulated a little in advance, are very helpful for most of us.
Sunday September 15th at Sheffield Central, 13.15 - 15.15
The meeting will be face-to-face and on Zoom at Sheffield MH. It will also be a chance to catch up with Friends over lunch and cake. Because of current lack of space we will keep things simple for lunch. If you would like to eat with Friends before the Meeting please bring something to eat yourself, rather than to share. Cake contributions will be welcome though and drinks will be provided. There will be tea and cake after the meeting. Everyone is welcome, including anyone who hasn’t been to an AM before. We hope to see you there.
Draft agenda:
November Saturday 9th, all day, Balby Doncaster