Our Meetings

Some of the information given below may not be fully accurate. It reflects the entries on the Britain Yearly Meeting website (https://www.quaker.org.uk/meetings) which is not updated very often. 

In particular, no website links to the individual meetings are given (apart from Nether Edge meeting). You can find them all on the home page of this website and we hope to add them in to this page soon.

Click the coloured boxes or map pins for more information on each meeting.

Balby (Doncaster)


Meeting for Worship

Sunday at 10:30am

Children's Meeting

Children's activities by arrangement, please contact us for details.


Friends Meeting House, Oxford Place, Doncaster, DN1 3RH

Hope Valley

Meeting for Worship

Sunday at 10:45am

Children's Meeting

No children's meeting.


Quaker Community, Water Lane, Hope Valley, S33 0DA

Sheffield Central


Meeting for Worship

Every Sunday at 10:30

Sunday MfW is blended, with Zoom available. It is followed by Meeting for Reflection 12:00-13:00 On the third Sunday, breakfast at 8.30 with an additional early MfW at 9.15 until 10.00 Every Wednesday, there is MfW at 12.00 until 12.30 - in person on 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays. On zoom on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Wednesday MfW is preceded by coffee and chat 11:00-12:00.

Children's Meeting

We have a happy vibrant meeting for Children and Young People, with up to 8 or 10 attending each week. There is a creche worker for the youngest and activities arranged to cater for a wide age range. (school holidays excepting).


10 St James Street, Sheffield, S1 2EW


✓ Hearing loop
✓ Wheelchair access
✓ Wheelchair accessible toilet

There are several disabled parking spaces outside the MH and other street parking but it is all relatively expensive, even on Sundays.

Sheffield Nether Edge


Meeting for Worship

Every Sunday at 10:30-11:30


Shirley House, Nether Edge, 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL


✓ Wheelchair access
✓ Wheelchair accessible toilet

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all our Local Meetings